I aspired to craft a fitness class centered around Celine Dion's music but struggled to elevate into an H2shO™ event. This was until Fall 2022, the evening I attended "Titanique," a theatrical production inspired by Titanic. The production was bold, audacious, ridiculous and brilliantly conceived. I was inspired!
If this Off-Broadway musical parody could defy the odds and become an unexpected hit in an unconventional venue—a former Gristedes supermarket basement—at the peak of the Covid crisis (when the theater industry was grappling to retain its audience) the improbable was possible. My vision was to create an aquatic workout reenacting Titanic from the viewpoint of Celine Dion.
December 2022, marked the 25th Anniversary of James Cameron's Titanic, a significant pop cultural moment. In my mind's eye, I envisioned how spectacular this workout could be but with Covid still unending everything I was uncertain anyone would buy-in.
January 2023, I said "Fuck it." I reached out to Titanique's PR team proposing a collaboration, which they promptly embraced.
Over the span of six weeks, I dedicated several hours each day to meticulously shape this project.
There were a FOUR workouts presented. Two aquatic workouts were presented for a commercial health club, one aquatic workout was for a residential luxury rental property and one workout was performed for H2shO™️ LIVE online.
January 27, 2024, the workout was re-introduced in partnership with +POOL.
H2shO™️ brings James Cameron's Titanic to the pool
Moments from the+POOL workout event